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Using PIs with FOSI


Using PIs with FOSI

Hi again,

I am adding these PIs to try to do some formatting in the FOSI. I have gotten the PIs in the spots I want them, but now I can't seem to get the FOSI to see them. Does Arbortext editor only allow their special touch up PIs? Or am I missing something else in the FOSI code?

<para>ickels iwej sfowhj jowk asiue jsiurhkawiekso between 5°C
and 60°C.


<e-i-c gi="Start" gitype="pi" occur="all">
<charlist inherit="0">
<usetext source="!Start" text!&quot;="/>
<fillval attname="type" fillcat="savetext" fillchar="conrule"/">
<savetext textid="appPI.txt"/">
<usetext source="!***" start:=" !,apppi.txt&quot;=">

I searched the archives and didn't see anyone else asking a question like this, maybe no one has done it or I am missing something obvious that everybody else already knows! 😉

Thanks, Ellen


Hi Ellen,

Not sure if this will be helpful, but I always reference _font-eic.fos and
_touchup-eic.fos found in the .../lib subdirectory of the Editor install
tree when I have to FOSI-up some PI or another.

Touchups look like this in the XML:

so those FOSIs may not help when you're rolling your owb PIs. 😕

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Ellen Headrick

> Hi again,
> I am adding these PIs to try to do some formatting in the FOSI. I have
> gotten the PIs in the spots I want them, but now I can't seem to get the
> FOSI to see them. Does Arbortext editor only allow their special touch up
> PIs? Or am I missing something else in the FOSI code?
> <listitem>
> <para>ickels iwej sfowhj jowk asiue jsiurhkawiekso between 5°C
> and 60°C.
> </para>
> </listitem>
> <e-i-c gi="Start" gitype="pi" occur="all">
> <charlist inherit="0">
> <usetext source="!Start" text!&quot;="/>
> </charlist>
> <att>
> <fillval attname="type" fillcat="savetext" fillchar="conrule"/">
> <charsubset>
> <savetext textid="appPI.txt"/">
> <usetext source="!***" start:=" !,apppi.txt&quot;=">
> </usetext>
> </charsubset>
> </att>
> </e-i-c>
> I searched the archives and didn't see anyone else asking a question like
> this, maybe no one has done it or I am missing something obvious that
> everybody else already knows! 😉
> Thanks, Ellen

Paul Nagai

Hi, Ellen...

According to the annotated version of 28001C (see
tutorials/28001C/28001C.sgm under the Editor installation folder),
your "closing" PI would need to be ", rather than the
"End" PI you have shown.

That said, the annotations seem to indicate that this usage is
unsupported.  If that's the case, then you probably need to see if you
can play with the touchup PIs to accomplish what you want, or switch
to a non-PI solution.

Care to explain a bit about what you're trying to do and why you think
PIs are the only option?  Maybe there's a simpler solution...

-Brandon 🙂

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Ellen Headrick
<> wrote:
> Hi again,
> I am adding these PIs to try to do some formatting in the FOSI. I have
> gotten the PIs in the spots I want them, but now I can't seem to get the
> FOSI to see them. Does Arbortext editor only allow their special touch up
> PIs? Or am I missing something else in the FOSI code?
> <listitem>
> <para>ickels iwej sfowhj jowk asiue jsiurhkawiekso between 5°C
> and 60°C.
> </para>
> </listitem>
> <e-i-c gi="Start" gitype="pi" occur="all">
> <charlist inherit="0">
>  <usetext source="!Start" text!&quot;="/>
>  </charlist>
> <att>
>  <fillval attname="type" fillcat="savetext" fillchar="conrule"/">
>  <charsubset>
>  <savetext textid="appPI.txt"/">
>  <usetext source="!***" start:=" !,apppi.txt&quot;=">
>  </usetext>
>  </charsubset>
>  </att>
>  </e-i-c>
> I searched the archives and didn't see anyone else asking a question like
> this, maybe no one has done it or I am missing something obvious that
> everybody else already knows! 😉
> Thanks, Ellen
> ----------

Re' Brandon's reference to other possible solutions: are you processing SGML or XML? If XML, you might want to seriously consider using a separate namespace in place of the PI's.

If it is XML, and you're interested in further details on using a namespace instead, just reply to that effect and I'll amplify a bit.

Steve Thompson

It may also be useful to read "Touchup processing instructions" in the online help (or Help Center). It is underneath "Coding a FOSI stylesheet". Help topic 5866.

Ellen was correct in guessing that there was some magic about our PIs. Basically you cannot create your own PIs and use FOSI e-i-c matching but you can override the behavior for one of ours.

John Dreystadt
Software Development Director
Arbortext - PTC

Thanks for all the good information.

Interesting enough even with trying to modify the _touchup PI it still
didn't see it as a touchup PI. I entered it into the document using
var piStart =
Application.activeDocument.createProcessingInstruction('Pub', 'touchup

The editor still saw it as an _pi Pub _touchup

I think I am back to the drawing board and probably need to re-write a
bunch of the original FOSI code to get what I need to do. I just didn't
want to rewrite if I had a work around. This part of the FOSI is very
convoluted, be maybe in a rewrite I can make it simpler and easier to
manage. But as someone once said to me, no programmer like another
programmers style!


"Dreystadt, John" <-> wrote on 11/03/2009 03:21:50 PM:

> It may also be useful to read "Touchup processing instructions" in
> the online help (or Help Center). It is underneath "Coding a FOSI
> stylesheet". Help topic 5866.
> Ellen was correct in guessing that there was some magic about our
> PIs. Basically you cannot create your own PIs and use FOSI e-i-c
> matching but you can override the behavior for one of ours.
> John Dreystadt
> Software Development Director
> Arbortext - PTC
> 734-352-2835
> -

I've posted two sections from Essential FOSI related to PIs at

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