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I am trying to find a good way for Reviewers in Windchill to see the "othermeta" data from Arbortext without needing Arbortext. We want them to not only review the deliverables but also the metadata.
Just wondering others may be doing?
This is an old post, but in case this helps someone:
We accomplished this through the use of a custom Global Attribute in Windchill, with a value populated by using <metadatarule> elements in the (doctype).BCF file. For example:
<metadatarule elementname="othermeta" expr="@content" metadata="YOUR_WC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME" sourcetype="text"/>
In this example, the Windchill attribute will be populated with the value of the content attribute.
The Windchill attributes are created through Utilities -> Type & Attribute management.
See the Arbortext Content Management Guide for details.
This is the way we do it, upload the attribute data to a custom attribute in windchill and theyn you cna view it in either the arbortext window or the Web windchill view.
You can also look at pushing attribute data from inside the Arbortext file into a custom metadata field that's visible on the Windchill detail page. Look up two-way metadata. LMK if you need help.