Hi Brian--
You can listen for the DOMActivate event on the tablecontrol. Check the
event detail to make sure it's a double-click, and then you can use the
value attribute on tablecontrol to learn which row is selected. Here's a
snippet from a XUI tablecontrol in one of my dialogs:
<tablecontrol columns="2" gridlines="true" id="attrtable"<br"/>
value="xml:space" width="300">
<header id="attrtableheader">
<column label="Attribute"/">
<column label="Value"/"></header>
<script id="tablescript" ev:event="DOMActivate" type="text/javascript">
// if the user double-clicks, let them edit the selected value
// note that many of the hidden system attributes are not editable in
this way
if (Application.event.detail == 2) { // double-click
dlgdoc = Application.event.target.ownerDocument;
key = Application.event.target.getAttribute("value");
// do something here based on value of key
This example uses inline JavaScript to handle the event, but it should
be easy to generalize it to a standard event handler function.
Clay Helberg
Senior Consultant