You have my sympathy, I ran across this a few months ago. I couldn't
find where the acl variable was initialized, either. The reason for the
variable instead of the normal menu path is that they switch the label
to "Uncomment" (if I remember correctly) when the cursor is at/in an xml
comment. You'll have to use the variable name in the menu_xxxx
commands. Here's the ugly stuff I had to do to get what I wanted
(doesn't look like you'll need to manually set the menu label like I do,
which is what I mean by ugliness):
function setDeleteMarkupMenuLabel() {
# Following if statement copied from the DeleteMarkup alias def
# in packages\commands.acl
if(oid_name(oid_current_tag() ) == '_comment') {
$main::DeleteMarkupLabel = '&Uncomment';
} else {
$main::DeleteMarkupLabel = 'Delete Mar&kup';
menu_change '.Edit.$DeleteMarkupLabel' -label '$DeleteMarkupLabel';
menu_change ':EditPopup.$DeleteMarkupLabel' -label
return 1;
#### later in a different function of the same file:
if(!menu_exists(':EditPopup.$DeleteMarkupLabel') ) {
menu_change '.Edit.$DeleteMarkupLabel' \
-active "(ico_menus::setDeleteMarkupMenuLabel() && <other stuff=">)";
menu_copy '.Edit.$DeleteMarkupLabel' -before
Brian Jensen