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command line-print compose


command line-print compose

We use Datalogics DL composer, and it has length limits to amount of pages
we can produce, typically maxs out at 2,700 pages. We have been testing
PTC's Print Compose and it is faster and go farther. The issue is we
programmically produce this 16,000+ page manual that is 210 megs large (6
million lines). Arbortext Editor cannot open the file, so we cannot print
it or find how many pages is the limit Print Compose before we have to cut
apart this manual.

Is there a command line or input folder we can toss this large file to have
it run.

Theoretically you should be able to open it in 64-bit Editor.

OTOH, if you anticipate needing to 'cut it apart' anyway, pick some logical division(s) within the book and turn it into a few file entities to begin. Call those entities in place of their individual content.

In Editor, turn off 'View+File Entities', so that all you see in the window is the file icon(s). That should let you load almost any size manual (even in 32-bit). Just be certain File Entities is 'un'checked before loading the file that calls the entities.

Steve Thompson

thanks. That did not work. I still get "editor.exe [A12177] Out of virtual
memory space" I have four gig and max the virtual space. Task manager show
about 45% of the PF usage when it quits.

I still like to know, if I can make it command line. We do not edit the
file, I have a builder that we want to use to send it directly to compose
without having someone open it


On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 11:47 AM, EXT-Thompson, Steve <> wrote:

> OTOH, if you anticipate needing to ‘cut it apart’ anyway, pick some
> logical division(s) within the book and turn it into a few file entities to
> begin. Call those entities in place of their individual content.****
> ** **
> In Editor, turn off ‘View+File Entities’, so that all you see in the
> window is the file icon(s). That should let you load almost any size manual
> (even in 32-bit). Just be certain File Entities is ‘un’checked before
> loading the file that calls the entities.****
> ** **
> *Steve Thompson*
> +1(316)977-0515
> ****
> *From:* Benton, Ed L [

Hi Doug--

Try this from a Windows command prompt:

"C:\Program Files\PTC\Arbortext Editor\bin\editor.exe" -c "print"

That should print in batch mode, without opening the doc in an Editor


Clay Helberg

Senior Consultant


That sounds very good. Off to testing.



This worked like a charm. However, is there a way to define the output file name (pdf output) without having to be prompted for it?

Hi Joseph--

You might have to write an ACL script to set this up. In the script, you
would need to define an array of parameters that you can pass to the
compose::compose_for_pdf() function, and add the output file name you
want to that array. Here is a sample script that does the bare minimum
setup, to generate the PDF in the same location as the source file, with
the same basename and ".pdf" extension. (In other words, "MyDoc.xml"
will be published as "MyDoc.pdf".)

# batch print a document

require compose;

function batch_print(doc = current_doc()) {

# init params

local params[];

# derive output filename

params['outputFile'] = compose::set_output_file( doc, 'preview',

# set interactive off so it knows we're in batch mode

params['interactive'] = 0;

# add stylesheet param

params['stylesheet'] = compose::get_doc_stylesheet(doc,
"printstylesheet", "pdf");




# go ahead and call the function now


If you put this code into a file batchprint.acl, you should be able to
invoke it in a batch file by putting "source batchprint" into the -c
parameter argument, like so:

"C:\program files\PTC\Arbortext Editor\bin\x64\editor.exe" -styler -c
"source batchprint" Document1.xml



Clay Helberg

Senior Consultant


Are these functions and syntax relevant to Arbortext Editor 6.0?

I found an article on the PTC community, Document - CS233804, that uses fewer local params, but I'm having difficulty getting either example to run.

function test_cfg::test2() {
  local params[];
  params[ "outputFile"  ] = '[path_to]\test-out.pdf';
  params[ "stylesheet"  ] = '[path_to]\doctypes\axdocbook\';
  local rc = compose::compose_for_pdf( current_doc(), params );
  return rc;




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