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Here's an Arbortext excerpt - just ran across it and thought I'd pass it along:
Highlighting text using color
Arbortext Editor allows the use of 20 predefined colors — aqua, black, blue, brown,
gray1, gray2, gray3, gray4, gray5, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, red, teal,
white, yellow, and violet — to highlight text in the Edit window display, published output,
and print output. The definitions of these predefined colors can be changed if needed. A
specific command controls the RGB value of each predefined color for both font and
background colors. Refer to the set backgroundcolorblack command or the set
fontcolorblack command for examples.
You can set both foreground (text and any associated underlines or strike-throughs) and
background color in a stylesheet. Foreground and background colors can be set by default
and can be inherited. Background color as defined in the highlight tag is the application of
color to the non-text area between the text baselines. If you wish to set the background of
an entire window, use the window_set command canvasbackground option.
Special features — The background color white means transparent, and is the default
background color.
REF: Arbortext FOSI Reference.pdf page 158
John T. Jarrett
BAE Systems | Arbortext version 5.4 | LOGSA XSL-FO v 1.5