Hi folks,
I'm using Arbortext PE 5.4 with a FOSI. I have a publish job that needs to use DirectPDF to add custom PDF metadata including document properties and bookmarks, which is not possible using Adobe Distiller. Can I dynamically switch the usedistiller=off from usedistiller=on without a Tomcat/services restart to register the change? Is there a way to support Distiller and DirectPDF configuration on the same PE server? If not, the obvious choice is to move away from Distiller. But are there any benefits to using Distiller instead of DirectPDF? The reasons we use Distiller is unknown to me.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks, Paul!
The custom/init folder on the server side stores the usedistiller setting (if it isn't defined the default is off). I tried the init function call, and that sucessfully registered my manual edit to init.acl usedistiller (on --> off) without a service restart. Luckily, the init call doesn't kill jobs that are running already it appears.To make this run without human interface, I must first programatically set usedistiller to the appropriate value and then run the init function call, and then finally publish the PDF. Any recommendations on running the first change via the servlet?
Yes, Brandon, good point. I'm uncertain of the effects, and I'm running initial tests and analysis to determine if this would be possible at all. I'll have to dig into our PE servlet interface code, since I'm not too familiar with it right now. This interface could define the different composition framework. 🙂
Brandon, great! This helps a lot and I can foresee using this hook for other tasks. I'll start looking into it.