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It appears that Release notes only includes bugs and issues solved in the release notes. Does anyone know if you can configure to include other items such as requirements, stories and test items for example into the release notes if associated with the Release and completed? It looks like this maybe hard coded to only manage these two tracker types.
I think the answer is that it depends on the Resolution field of the requirement as well - it needs to be set to "implemented" to show up in the release notes.
I also think so. It was a bit document like this in the help.
just to let you know that I raised an idea already.
please also check / comment.
Makes sense - I agree it should be configurable. But I think it's okay for tasks to be included - I have a small project which just has tasks and bugs. But they could be excluded by default and only configured to be included by customizing.
The release notes contain all items where the versions property (typically Release field) contains an upstream reference to the release item. There are two additional requirements:
@JB_10667238 It appears to me that your question "Does anyone know if you can configure to include other items such as requirements, stories and test items for example into the release notes if associated with the Release and completed?" was answered by LaszloK_Nanga.
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Jaime Lee