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Hi all,
How do I go about creating a box around some text that is 3 lines long? if I use "@[Three line message......@]" then each line of the message gets its own box (see pic). I want the message as a whole to have a SINGLE box around it. Any ideas?
create 1x1 table and put the text into it. Unfortunatelly you cannot attach reference line to the table. Probably you have to create note containing spaces to this line.
Consider making a symbol which is a simple rectangle with a note in it.
Creo 2 or 3?
This could be one of those new Creo 3 behaviors. If you edit out the offending closing "@]" and opening "@[", does it make one big box?
I think there is a full note editor somewhere in Creo 3.
unfortunatelly CR3 functionality = CR2 functionality. No improvement available in CR3...