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Existe t-il une manière plus rapide de transformer une esquisse de lumière en 2 cercles ?
L'esquisse de départ est une lumière (1) et je souhaiterais arriver à 2 cercles (4), sans perdre la cote de 38 mm.
Ma méthode a été de supprimer les 2 traits droits (2) , de placer 2 traits d'axes et d'aligner les bords des axes dessus (3) et enfin de compléter l'esquisse par 2 bouts d'arcs (4)
Is there a faster way to turn a groove sketch two circles ?
I would like transform an Initial sketch whitch is a grovve (1) as 2 circles (4) without lost cotation 38 mm.
My method was to remove two straight lines (2), placing 2 axes and align the top edges of the axes (3) and finally to complete the sketch by 2 pieces of bows (4)
Hi, you could leave the initial groove sketch intact, but make all the entities construction. Select all the entities, RMB, pick construction. Then simply sketch 2 (geometry) circles over the top of the construction arcs until they snap to them.
Hope this helps
Thank you for your solution
Great day