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Creo 2.0 or Creo Wildfire 5.0?


Creo 2.0 or Creo Wildfire 5.0?

We are currently on Wildfire 3.0. Once we upgrade to Windchill 10.0 we wil also upgrade ProE. Does anyone have any thoughts on going to Creo 2.0 or Creo Wildfire 5.0.

Our biggest concern is that the GUI changes coming from Wildfire 3.0 to Creo 2.0 will be quite significant and that the users will have a tough time with the transition.





I've been using Creo Parametric 1.0 and now 2.0 from the moment they became available to me. I still have to go back and use WF3, 4, & 5 too. I hate that! The sooner all of our customers upgrade to Creo Paramtric 2.0, the better! From where I sit, the GUI learning curve is short.It doesn't take user's long to get the lay of the land locating their usual commands in the Ribbon Interface. There's a search tool for finding those that are not as apparent as others built into the GUI. The overall process flow improvements in CP2.0 reduce task completion time such that those benefitswill quickly overshadow the GUI learning curve! Go straight to CP2.0!

I hope this helps!

Have a GREAT day and upcoming weekend!


Greg Hamel

Senior Consultant/Certified PTC Instructor

Ve-U, a division of Visible Edge, Inc.

38 Technology Way

Millyard Technology Park

Nashua, NH 03060-3245

Phone: (603) 595-1422 x233


We went straight to CREO2 and I would almost smack my foot with a sledge
than use the legacy WF workstation.

Users are up and running almost immediately - and the more they learn, the
more they love this interface.

Intralink 10.0 - even with all its implementation headaches is nice - right
there in the imbedded browser I used to keep closed by default.


I have to echo other's comments. Move directly to Creo 2.0 and target the
M030+ build if you can wait just a bit longer. You will hurt the user more
with the WF5 interface (Design Modeling miss-match Detailing). I have been
using Creo 1 and 2 since their release with the exception of customers using
older versions and I hate going back now.

Best wishes,

Tim McLellan
Mobius Innovation and Development, Inc.

We are on WF5 and as Tim says this is my biggest headache!
Design Modeling miss-match Detailing).

Steve Fowler
Senior Tool Designer
Manufacturing Engineering

I don't have anything to add other than to agree (& a question for Tim
below). Remember, WF5 has the ribbon in drawing mode, but it's poorly
implemented and quite frustrating. Moving to WF5 will poison the well
if you will against the ribbon interface which seems much better
implemented in Creo2. We have two clients moving to Creo2 late this
month and I'm looking forward to it.

Tim - What's coming in M030 that's worth waiting until November? M020
due Sept 2nd is supposed to have the config file issues fix I believe,
although the SPRs
Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer


I meant to indicate Creo 2.0 M020. Approx. 200 bug fixes (however Creo 2.0
M010 has been fairly stable for me).

Tim McLellan
Mobius Innovation and Development, Inc.

Great discussion. We're in a situation similar to David's.After going live with PDMLink 10 next month and users settling in with the newPLM toolI'm planning to go to Creo 2. When I gave a core group of CAD operators a sneak peak at Creo 2 in our last pilot group testiing of PDMLink, more than a few of them got a look of panic on their face - moreso than the first session outlining PDMLink. Great to hear from those using it that the learning curve isn't that bad.

There are the usual complaints when a change like this comes around, but I think most admins are used to that. There were gripes about intent manager and model tree when they were added, now I don't think any of our users would want to imagine working without them. Forthose that are on Creo 2 Parametric, what would you say are the major benefits? Is it mostly the interface (after acclimating to it) or specific functionality improvements? Anything specific I can show our users in core functionality improvements would likely take the edge off the "who moved my cheese" reflex reaction to the interface.



Hi Erik,

Did you purchase the Flexible Modeling Extension? That is a really impressive improvement in the package! With FME, user's can easily edit previously created Creo or imported models (yes, even those IGES or STEP files that were previously known as "dump bricks"). Users can move geometry around in a Direct Modeling fashion without having to study the model tree and completely understand how the original features were built up to create the model. I've found, often - even on my own models that I created a month or less ago, it's faster for me to use FME to make changes to my model than it is to figure out how I built up the geometry and make traditional changes. Especially, last thing on Friday when thesupplier calls and needs a new file with a make-or-break change required to make the parts over the weekend to meet Monday's delivery requirement!

Have a GREAT day!


Greg Hamel

Senior Consultant/Certified PTC Instructor

Ve-U, a division of Visible Edge, Inc.

38 Technology Way

Millyard Technology Park

Nashua, NH 03060-3245


Thanks a lot. I'm starting to lean toward Creo 2.0. Lot's of people seem
to complain about the drawing mode GUI

David Graham
Windchill Administrator
Pro|ENGINEER Administrator
CAx Administrator

Emhart Glass Manufacturing Inc.
Emhart Glass Research Center
123 Great Pond Drive | Windsor, CT 06095 | USA
Telephone +1 (203) 376-3144 | Telefax +1 (860) 298 7397
Mobile +1 (203) 376-3144 |

I agree with most everyone on this.

Creo 2.0 is far better than WF5.

We see improvements in the UI but the biggest advantage is the process of creating features and things we have always done. You have less clicks and everything is much faster and easier to do. The learning curve for my users was less than 1 week and I only gave them an 8 minute video to explain the major differences in the UI before installing it.

As for Flexible Modeling. I see this as a potential disaster for many companies. The "Lazy" or "Wreckless" user can cause some sever problems using Flixbile Modeling and destroying the underlining parametric controls in a design. If any company is planing on using Flexible Modeling, they should first determine some very strict rules on when to use it and when not to use it. For imported geometry it's great, for removing features on an FEA model it's great, but allowing users to manipulate their designs with it can be a serious issue.

Just some thoughts.

"Too many people walk around like Clark Kent, because they don't realize they can Fly like Superman"

I didn't present or train my group on the flexible modeling feature

My hope is they never find it, let alone use it.

Anthony R. Benitez
Senior Mechanical Designer - Supervisor
Applied Research Laboratories - The University of Texas at Austin


I think Flexible Modeling is great as long as it's used correctly. What is correctly? That will be different from company to company, but it's probably a good idea to set some guidelines up front. I have seen users do some crazy things with models and I could only imagine what would be possible with something like Flexible Modeling if it's not controlled properly.


"Too many people walk around like Clark Kent, because they don't realize they can Fly like Superman"

Hi Folks,
Am only just getting to the point of looking at Creo 2.0 myself (presently
using WF5 M100).

I have seen the flexible modelling aspect in Creo 2.0 and also see some use
for import solids and legacy poor models. I also see there risk for poor
modelling using this method however THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE ABILITY TO
MAKE MODELS POORLY. Not shouting here but just making sure that we do not
lose sight of what has always been possible.

Maybe even if the Flexible Modelling features are shown in the tree it
becomes easier to find where shortcuts have been used and "discuss" this
with those concerned. 🙂

Will be interested to see how this goes with my testing in the next couple
of weeks.


*Brent Drysdale*
*Senior Design Engineer*
Tait Communications

And it's quite possible that PTC is trying to keep up with SolidWorks again. If you've seen Move Face in SolidWorks, Flexible Modeling seems to be more of the same. It's all how you implement it, or not.

Dave Clark
CAD Application Engineer
Dukane Corporation
Intelligent Assembly Solutions Division
2900 Dukane Drive
St. Charles, IL 60174
630-797-4922 (Phone)
630-797-4949 (Fax)

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