In 4.0 I can import an Excel table (its a wiring list) as an object. Can
even link it. However - its a dog to work with - colors and fills have
to be addressed. I also see an issue (which I now remember from my past
experience) of the table having a max width limit (unless it is known
how to change it). The great thing is its linked.
I chose another path.
I saved the Excel as .csv. Inserted table from menu as a .csv. It turns
it into a real Pro/E table. The down side is that it is not linked
(unless there is a way). The upside is it comes in NICE (not &*%$%'n
around). If you want to update the table from an excel - wash, rinse and
I am happy with this for now.
By the way - I am using Windows 7 (32 bit), WF4 and Office 2007.