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Wenn ich Creo Parametric öffne erscheint immer eine Fehlermeldung in der steht:
Creo Parametric wird heruntergefahren, weil der Qualitätsagent, der in dieser Ausgabe erforderlich ist, nicht ausgeführt werden kann.
Wäre über eine Lösung sehr dankbar
Error 0x06000003. Does someone have a solution for me?
When I open Creo Parametric always appears an error message in the following:
Creo Parametric is downgraded because the quality agent required in this issue can not be executed.
Would be very grateful for a solution
Hello Veronika,
I did a search for the error message, in our internal database and found some existing cases. The cause seems to be due to an unsupported configuration.
Please take a look at the Platform Support page and make sure that the graphics card and driver version are listed as supported or certified.
In the By Product drop down select the release you are using, e.g. PTC Creo 3.0.