Hi Mike. Thank you for looking at my model. I know some of my parts do overlap, I sometimes find it easier to put my thoughts into the model that way. Usually when I try to unite these parts it works OK. The big problem that I had on the latest model I sent you was that, when I got the portion of the assemby down to two parts, by uniting individual parts, I tried to unite the two and one of them just dissappearsed (Corrupted I guess). I will try the analysis techniques you mentioned and see if it helps me to sort it out. If it doesn't, I may have to ask you what the tricks were that you played around with. Eventually I want to end up with a limited number of assemblies, maybe 8 to 10, with all of the parts in each assembly united into one. If you were able to unit the two parts /b1/a1/a1.1/p6 & p7 in the model I last sent you, please let me know how you did it. Otherwise I'll just play around with it over the weekend, as per your suggestions, and see what I come up with. Many Thanks, John.