Since he's a user of the community, and I find the whole website confusing, I asked him:
· How do you typically use this site?
· When you go there... where do you go?
· How do you find what you want?
He sent me the following email. Which is the kind of information that should be promintly displayed on the PTC Community web site.
It's not a case of "Build it and they will come". There needs to be some thought of how a person would actually use the site. And then the instruction on how. That's where the community needs some improvement.
But all of us need to stop crying in our beer, and figure out how to use the site.
David Haigh Phone: 925-424-3931 Fax: 925-423-7496 Lawrence Livermore National Lab 7000 East Ave, L-362 Livermore, CA 94550