There are a couple of things you may do. 1.) To simply import your points, add a z column to you data (ie. z=0), copy and paste only the x, y, z values in a new spreadsheet, and then save your new data sheet as a "Formated Text (Space delimited) (*.prn)" file. Then, close excel, open windows explorer, and find the .prn file you just saved. Now, rename the .prn extension to .pts. It will give you some warning about changing the file extension, but accept it, because this is an unassociated copy of your original data. Now open a new part file in Pro and go to Insert > Model Datum > Point > Offset Coordinate System. The Offset CSys Datum Point window will appear. Now, select the coordinate system in your part file and click "import" at the bottom left of the Datum Point Window. Click on your points file and say open. The points will be given a number from PNT0 - PNT... and the x, y, z values will appear in the Datum Point Window. If everything looks correct click "Ok" and you are finished. If a point looks off check your original value.