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A setting that I'd like to apply is to have the View Manager remain accessible even when I change the active document. I'd also like to make all Pro/E windows a little narrower in order to accommodate the View Manager at the right side.
Does anyone know if ths can be done?
The windows sizing issue you would have to change each time you opened Pro. You have two choices for Pro windows; the default (stuck at the left with a margin at the right) or maximized.
I do not know of a way to "pin" the view manager. What I have done is assign them to mapkeys, as I use different views quite frequently.
Since I'm now logged in I may as well add a bit more information.
For the benefit of anyone else reading this you can change the window width just fine using a window manager. I do this from time to time but it seems like there should be a native solution. I would be surprised if there wasn't. The windows_scale option in doesn't really cut it as it scales the window in both X and Y.
Window Manager as in an external program?