<p>Hello,<br /><br />I'm trying to create a couple of pieces of railroad track. So far, I've designed a straight piece of rail, as pictured below. Is there a way to curve the piece of rail by choosing the base face of the rail, selecting a "bend" option, entering the degrees and radius of the bend, and then have the rail form into the exact curve and length? Or is it possible to extrude the rail on a curve for a specified length? </p><p>Also, I am attempting to build a crossover, in which pieces of rail intersect. Any suggestion on how to shave down the rail so they come to a point?</p><p>Thanks in advance,</p><p>Stewart</p><p><img title=""Rail"" height=""520"" alt=""Rail"" src=""http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x16/smonteijr/OGR/rail.jpg"" width=""549"" border=""0"" /></p>