well... it's time for new maintenance contracts and stuff... management is
discussion with ptc and it's not looking so good for the moment.
Our manager even came in today to make us look into the possibility/price of
conversion to SW!!!!!
This is as preliminary as it can get, but still... I have no experience with
SW, so
I have a lot of questions...
Any of you using both?
Gone through a conversion like this?
What PDM systems are used?
What about the price differences?
Is it really that better in usability?
Compatibility? Maintenance?
Support? etc. etc. etc.
Any experiences to put me in the right direction are welcome...
Frederic Vanneste
Development Technician Mechanics
BARCOVIEW nv - Command & Control - TRM
Theodoor Sevenslaan 106
B-8500 Kortrijk - Belgium
TEL: +32-56-233404
FAX: +32-56-233013
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