I use a trail file for all my "don't get saved" or "no config.pro"
options, like shading quality, maximize window, etc.
Run Pro/E and do everything you normally do and don't want to keep doing.
Before exiting, copy the trail file to your startup directory and rename
it, like "startup.txt".
Edit your Pro/E command and add startup.txt to the end of the command line.
Paul Gress wrote:
>> 1. set Quality to 10
>> 2. check "Small Surfaces"
>> There is no config option for the first item there, the second can be
>> set with the option "skip_small_surfaces no"
> Which means "1. set Quality to 10" doesn't get saved. You have to
> change this value with every new session. Is there any setting to get
> this permanent.
> Paul