Dear Group members,
Once again I appreciate everyone is feed back. Please find the replies if
you are interested.
(1) Yes, edrawings does work with WF2.
You may have to download the latest version if you have an older one.
I have found the edrawings viewers are not downward compatible. A
eDrawings created in the WF2 create program may not open in the viewer
that came with the WF1 create program.
(2) Yes, both Pro-E Wildfire 2.0 & W.F. 3.0 supports eDrawings. eDrawings
is embedded into the Pro-E session for publishing.
For Tech. support within the United States, try contacting:
eDrawings Sales Support
TekSoft Inc. div GSSL
16121 N. 78th Street, Suite 101
Scottsdale, AZ 85260