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In proe wildfire 4.0 I have used the option "use model in tree" for highlighting a view by clicking on model tree. For blanking, unblanking, changing style into phantom etc. this option was useful. Now I am working on creo elements/pro. But here I can't find that option. I am facing difficulty in detailing due to this. Someone please help me to find this option or any other method where i can use the model tree for selected view only.
If I understand your question correctly it is not necessary to use "use model in tree" option.
If you want to change line style of a component in particular view you just need to:
1. Click "component display" option.
2. Click "Style".
3. Click "Picked View".
4. Clik and choose with LMB a component in a particular view (you can change highlighted component by RMB or clik RMB and use "Pick from List" option), but not in model tree.
5. Clik MMB or "OK" to confirm.
6. Click a style you want to assign to component.
LMB Left mouse button
RMB Right mouse button
MMB Middle mouse button
Unfortunately that functionality was dropped at the change to CREO.
I also, would like to see it's return.
Drawings bring back "Use Model in Tree" from Wildfire 4.0
Creo 3 M070. I know some releases of Creo 2 didn't have it.
My notes indicate that I implemented the restoration of Use Model In Tree in Creo 2 M150 and Creo 3 M030.
Can you mark Drawings bring back "Use Model in Tree" from Wildfire 4.0 as current functionaility and maybe include your notes!!
Hmm... I'm not sure how (or I have the authority) to do that, but I'll ask the person who should know. Thanks for noting it.
I am on 2.0 M100. What does our CAD Admin need to do to update. Are there potential issues with upgrading the date code?
I know we won't update to 3.0 or 4.0 as we must follow our major customers since there is no backward compatibility.
Creo 2 is pretty mature at that point. Updating is relatively low risk. It never hurts to either do some update testing or just update one user to see if it causes anything unexpected or if there is any customizations that need updating. Always a good idea to check compatibility with PDMlink if you use it and any other interface software.
Your cad-admin would need to download the build code and install.
Upgrading is never without risk.