Unless you use the config option.
use_2001_search_order yes
Solution Details - TAN
Created Date
Last Updated
When Retrieving Assemblies or Drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire,
Pro/ENGINEER Searches for Components in the Directory From Which the
File was Retrieved Prior to the Working Directory.
When retrieving assemblies or drawings in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire,
Pro/ENGINEER searches for components in the directory from which the
file was retrieved prior to the working directory.
This behavior is different than specified in the Pro/ENGINEER help
document "Retrieving Files from Other Directories", which indicates the
search order is:
1. In session (in memory)
2. Current working directory
3. Directory containing the assembly or drawing file
4. Directories in the search path
In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire the search order is:
1. In session (in memory)
2. Directory containing the assembly or drawing file
3. Active Windchill or Pro/INTRALINK Workspace and Commonspace
4. Current working directory
5. Directories in the search path
The change was made in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, datecode 2002020 onwards,
through an internal development project which dealt with retrieving
objects into Pro/ENGINEER from Windchill and Pro/INTRALINK. It was done
to try to avoid opening some objects from local disk and others from the
PDM system. This change was intentional in accordance with Pro/ENGINEER
Wildfire behavior with Windchill and Pro/INTRALINK.
The Help Center document will be updated in a future version of
Alternate Technique
The original behavior can be restored by setting the hidden config.pro
option "use_2001_search_order" to "yes".