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Assinging materials in Creo via Weblink

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Usually, You assign a material using

oSession = pfcCreate("MpfcCOMGlobal").GetProESession(); 

CurModel = oSession.CurrentModel; 

CurModel.CurrentMaterial = CurModel.RetrieveMaterial(material_name);

But there is a catch.

This code line only imports the number of a certain value. The unit described in the imported *.mtl file is ignored. You have to set units manually by using:

CurModel.CurrentMaterial = CurModel.RetrieveMaterial(material_name);

CurModel.CurrentMaterial.SetPropertyUnits(pfcCreate("pfcMaterialPropertyType").MTL_PROP_MASS_DENSITY, "kg/mm^3", false);  

CurModel.CurrentMaterial.SetPropertyUnits(pfcCreate("pfcMaterialPropertyType").MTL_PROP_YOUNG_MODULUS, "MPa", false); 

CurModel.CurrentMaterial.SetPropertyUnits(pfcCreate("pfcMaterialPropertyType").MTL_PROP_THERMAL_EXPANSION_COEFFICIENT, "/ K", false); 

CurModel.CurrentMaterial.SetPropertyUnits(pfcCreate("pfcMaterialPropertyType").MTL_PROP_SPECIFIC_HEAT, "joule / (kg K)", false); 

CurModel.CurrentMaterial.SetPropertyUnits(pfcCreate("pfcMaterialPropertyType").MTL_PROP_THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY , "W/(m K)", false); 

Version history
Last update:
‎Feb 15, 2016 03:49 AM
Updated by: