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Creo Advanced Assembly Tips & Techniques Session Recording (East Coast)

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Check out this video on Creo Advanced Assembly from PTC Application Engineers!

Presenters:  Lino Tozzi (Technical Specialist, Fellow) and Ryan Butcher (Technical Specialist, Fellow)







To dive deeper into the subject, check out PTC University.



Webcast Q&A

Question from Anonymous:  Is skeleton model standard offer or special installation needed?

Answer:  No special installation needed but you do need the Advanced Assembly Extension (AAX) module.

Question from AnonymousFrom which Creo version onwards is skeleton available?

Answer:  Skeletons have been around since Pro/E 14 (back in the early 90s).

Question from AnonymousHow does Windchill deal with skeletons?

Answer:  Windchill does not build a WTPart but it does know it is in the assembly.

Question from AnonymousCan you start with parts and build the skeleton later?  It is hard to understand what's happening with the skeleton when I don't see anything.

Answer:   Yes, but then you would use it for positioning mostly.

Webcast Q&A

Question from WalterHow can you tell if a part was changed and no longer fits, or interferes?

Answer:  Windchill always marks models as modified that have been changed and interferences can always be seen with a Global Interference check.

Version history
Last update:
‎Jul 27, 2021 11:07 AM
Updated by:
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