Throughout April and May 2020, we rolled out a series of posts here on the Creo Community to help enhance your CAD skills 15 minutes at a time.
Visit this Creo Tips below for posts packed with new video tips and demos from our product experts. You’ll find step-saving guidance on topics such as mastering complicated rounds, embossing text on cylindrical surfaces, using sketch regions, and more.
- Copy geometry from multiple assembly components in a single feature.
- Quickly defeature a model to prepare for simulation.
- Creating advanced rounds.
Adding rounds
- Prevent drag and drop restructuring from the Model Tree.
- Bookmark an AR experience on your mobile device.
- Emboss text on a cylindrical surface.
- Create external feature references without depending on a source model.
- Place standard profile configurations in an assembly using AFX.
- More efficiently work with annotation elements in annotation features.
- Use Shrinkwrap to copy all quilts from all models in an assembly.
- Store and apply Manikin custom postures.
- Using the Manufacturing module, drill holes in Creo without creating an axis; plus use the Auto Depth option.
- Use simplified reps to publish only what is needed in an AR experience.
- Use Sketch Region selection to quickly create geometry with supported sketch-based features.
- Dimension with fractions.
- Add ancillary objects to Manikin models.
- Display the toolpath and its references by clicking on the toolpath name on the Model Tree.
- Map SolidWorks commands to Creo commands.
- Use Update Control functionality through, on-the-fly created, geometry backups.
- Manage visibility of annotations and supplemental geometry such as planes, axes, coordinate systems, points, and curves.
- Build spiral geometry using a variable section sweep and a parameter called TRAJPAR.
- Report mass properties for each wire in a BOM.
- Create a helical toolpath using the auto-cutline functionality; plus, define a 5-axis toolpath while controlling the tool axis.
- Prevent inadvertent modification of driving dimension values when the dimension precision (number of decimal places) is modified.