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What is the best approach to deploy solution on another system? Like if we have created some fields, types etc on one system how to take them to different system in a efficient way ?
I am the PTC Integrity administrator for 2 separate servers. We are using PTC Integrity LCM 10.9 running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
When I need to create a large amount fields, triggers, queries, etc, I use the CLI. You need to test those scripts first, because as you may already know the command line is unforgiving.
To shorten the scripts I use variables. The variables in the scripts are between the % %
REM - Variables
SET HOST=--hostname=ptc
SET CFIELD=createfield
SET CMKS_DOMAIN_GRP=createmksdomaingroup
SET EMKS_DOMAIN_GRP=editmksdomaingroup
SET CPROJECT=createproject
SET CQUERY=createquery
SET CREPORT=createreport
SET CSTATE=createstate
SET CTRIGGER=createtrigger
SET EPROJECT=editproject
SET ETRIGGER=edittrigger
SET USR=--user=ptcadmin
Here is an example of a script that loops and creates 9 date fields with the names "Date Completed 01, Date Completed 02,Date Completed 03, etc." :
FOR /L %X in (1, 1, 9) DO (im %CFIELD% %HOST% --type=date --description="Date Completed 0%X" --displayName="Date Completed 0%X" --name="Date Completed 0%X")
you could do this:
im %CFIELD% %HOST% --type=date --description="Date Completed 01" --displayName="Date Completed 01" --name="Date Completed 01"
im %CFIELD% %HOST% --type=date --description="Date Completed 02" --displayName="Date Completed 02" --name="Date Completed 02"
im %CFIELD% %HOST% --type=date --description="Date Completed 03" --displayName="Date Completed 03" --name="Date Completed 03"
im %CFIELD% %HOST% --type=date --description="Date Completed 04" --displayName="Date Completed 04" --name="Date Completed 04"
im %CFIELD% %HOST% --type=date --description="Date Completed 05" --displayName="Date Completed 05" --name="Date Completed 05"
im %CFIELD% %HOST% --type=date --description="Date Completed 06" --displayName="Date Completed 06" --name="Date Completed 06"
im %CFIELD% %HOST% --type=date --description="Date Completed 07" --displayName="Date Completed 07" --name="Date Completed 07"
im %CFIELD% %HOST% --type=date --description="Date Completed 08" --displayName="Date Completed 08" --name="Date Completed 08"
im %CFIELD% %HOST% --type=date --description="Date Completed 09" --displayName="Date Completed 09" --name="Date Completed 09"
Hope that helps you in some way.
Yes i am using this approach that you explained (CLI) but i want to discover some other way to do this if we can .
By the way a very much thanks to you for explaining my issue in such a better way.
Hi Kapil,
Alternatively, you may want to reach out to your PTC account manager, and inquire about some services/solutions engagement work, as this is something they do and have some tools to create a solution to help facilitate what you're looking for.
Hi Michael,
Very First thanks to you for your valuable information. Can you suggest me some services/solutions or tools for this that can help me to do this in efficient way?
Hi Kapil,
the best and most efficient way to transport configuration changes is by using the "Integrity Stage Mechanism". This is build in, very convenient and exactly what you are looking for.
This requires that both systems (e.g. PROD and TEST) are connected and then you use a wizard to transport admin changes accross.
If you dont have a stage and do not plan for, then there is a consulting tool available that can help
This tool can extract and load from one into another environment. It is based on XML data representations. A documentation is included.
Hope this helps
Hi Volker,
Thanks for your response and providing this valuable information. Appreciate your knowledge.
Can you tell me more about this like how to use that consulting tool to pass data from one system to another without pairing (Staging) both systems. ?
Kapil Jain
this is the only thread that mentions the TIF Workbench. Therefore, I decided to publish attached tutorial here. I have not deployed a complete solution with this tool, however, I have generated scripts consisting of CLI commands that reflect differences of two Integrity solutions. These CLI commands might be used for migration between independent servers. Good luck!
Best regards, Richard.
Hi @rheininger,
Thanks for sending article in such a detailed way, I appreciate the way you documented it. Once again Thanks a lot. 🙂