Hi Ayora,
Thank you for the course.
My idea is a smart measuring and monitoring IoT solution.
Solution is specific to Egg tray - measure and monitor egg consumption and stock keeping.
Please find attached is the presentation for the solution.
I feel this solution can be extended to many other use cases.
Please feel free to comment.
Course 2 project: IoT Product Pitch. BrightAir IoT solution.
Please find the attachment for my IoT product pitch .
This is my project after completing the course!
In my presentation i will present to you Ideas for smart homes based on the simple framekwork for desiging IoT product .
I'm attaching the pitch of my product: Acqua, a smart faucet.
PFA the presentation/project of IoT Product Pitch of the course "A Simple Framework for Designing IoT Products"
Carlos Sanchez
Herewith my Pitch Video 📽🎞 for this course:
Medical:PA - An IoT Smart, Connected Product
It's an idea of a new Smart Connected Product: Medical:PA – Posture Assistance
Focusing on the end user, the power of IOT, helps to improve their posture and improve pain management through analytics and data, whilst also connecting them digitally to their medical practitioners – such as a family doctor, chiropractor or other - to help further optimize the medical experience.
Also attached; the PDF version of the pitch.
IOT in Smart Water Quality Monitoring
Following are the objectives of Smart Water Quality Monitoring : -