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Incoming CSV File Parsing - Populating the Axeda Enterprise

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These code snippets illustrate parsing CSV files and populating the Axeda Enterprise with data, locations and organizations.  These files are incoming to the Axeda Platform.

Note:  These snippets do NOT handle null values in the CSV due to the lack of a CSV parsing library.  Workaround is to populate empty values with an empty or null signifier (such as a blank space) and test for these on the Groovy side.

Code Snippets:

CSV file to Data Items
CSV file to Location Organization

Script Name: CSV file to Data Items

Description: Executed from an expression rule with file hint "datainsert", takes a CSV file and adds data based on values.


OPTIONAL - only needed for debugging

  1. modelName - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the model
  2. serialNumber - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the serial number

import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context

import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder

import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder

import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItemFinder

import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem


import java.util.regex.Pattern

import groovy.json.*


import net.sf.json.JSONObject


* CSVToData.groovy

* -----------------------


* Executed from an expression rule with file hint "datainsert", takes a CSV file and adds data based on values.


* @note  There must be a column with "model" and one with "serial".  The rest of the columns should be data item names with values

* in the rows. DOES NOT handle null values in CSV.  Workaround is to insert blank spaces in null values and test for those on the Groovy side.

* Solution would be to add a library for CSV parsing such as open csv.


* @params - only needed if NOT executed from expression rule - primarily for debugging

* modelName - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the model

* serialNumber - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the serial number





* initialize our global variables

* json = the contents of our response

* infoString = a stringBuilder used to collect debug information during the script

* contentType = the content type we will return

* scriptname = The name of this Script, used in multiple places


def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()

def infoString = new StringBuilder()

def contentType = "application/json"

def scriptName = "CSVToData.groovy"

def root = ["result":["items":[]]]

def columns = []

try {

  Context CONTEXT = Context.getSDKContext()

  def modelIndex

  def serialIndex

  // initialize Model and Device Finders

  ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(CONTEXT)

  DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(CONTEXT)

  // implicit object compressedFile

  File file = compressedFile.getFiles()[0].extractFile()

/* //begin non-expression rule code, useful for debugging

    File file


              def model1 = modelFinder.find()



    def d = deviceFinder.find()

     UploadedFileFinder uff = new UploadedFileFinder(CONTEXT)

    uff.device = d

    def ufiles = uff.findAll()

    UploadedFile ufile

    if (ufiles.size() > 0) {

        ufile = ufiles[0]

        file = ufile.extractFile()



*/ //end non-expression rule code

  file.eachLine {line ->

      def row = line.tokenize(',')


      // set the column headings

      if (columns.size() == 0){

        columns = row


        // find model and serial index, assumes there's a column that has "model" and "serial", otherwise take columns 0 and 1

        def modelpatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}model[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)

        def serialpatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}serial[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)

        modelIndex = columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ modelpatt } > -1 ? columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ modelpatt } : 0

        serialIndex = columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ serialpatt } > -1 ? columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ serialpatt } : 1



      // otherwise populate data

      else {



          def model = modelFinder.find()





          def device = deviceFinder.find()


          def assetInfo = [


                    "serial": device.serialNumber,




          row.eachWithIndex{ item, index ->

              if (index != modelIndex && index != serialIndex){

                def dataItemName = columns[index].replace(" ","")

                DataItemFinder dif = new DataItemFinder(CONTEXT);



                DataItem dataItem = dif.find();


                if (dataItem){

                    if (item.isNumber()){

                       item = Double.valueOf(item)


                    DataValueEntry dve = new DataValueEntry(CONTEXT, device, dataItem, item)



                else {

                    DataItem newDataItem

                    if (item.isNumber()){

                        newDataItem = new DataItem(CONTEXT, model,DataItemType.ANALOG, dataItemName)

                        item = Double.valueOf(item)


                    else {

                       newDataItem = new DataItem(CONTEXT, model,DataItemType.STRING, dataItemName)



                   DataValueEntry dve = new DataValueEntry(CONTEXT, device, newDataItem, item)



       << [

                        "name": dataItemName,

                        "value": item




              root.result.items << assetInfo





} catch (Exception e) {



//return ['Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content': JSONObject.fromObject(root).toString(2)]


    Processes the contents of an Exception and add it to the Errors collection

    @param json The markup builder


private def processException(String scriptName, JsonBuilder json, Exception e) {

    // catch the exception output

    def logStringWriter = new StringWriter()

    e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(logStringWriter))

    logger.error("Exception occurred in ${scriptName}: ${logStringWriter.toString()}")


        Construct the error response

        - errorCode Will be an element from an agreed upon enum

        - errorMessage The text of the exception


    json.errors  {

        error {

            message     "[${scriptName}]: " + e.getMessage()

            timestamp   "${System.currentTimeMillis()}"



    return json


Script Name: CSV file to Location Organization

Description: Executed from an expression rule with file hint "locorginsert", takes a CSV file and adds orgs and locations based on values.


OPTIONAL - only needed for debugging

  1. modelName - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the model
  2. serialNumber - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the serial number

import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context

import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder

import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder

import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItemFinder

import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem


import java.util.regex.Pattern

import groovy.json.*


import net.sf.json.JSONObject








* CSVToLocOrg.groovy

* -----------------------


* Executed from an expression rule with file hint "locorginsert", takes a CSV file and adds orgs and locations based on values.


* @note  There must be a column with "model" and one with "serial".  The rest of the columns should be either parts of a

* location or an organization.  The location parts columns should be prefixed with the org# that they correspond to.

* DOES NOT handle null values in CSV.  Workaround is to insert blank spaces in null values and test for those on the Groovy side.

* Solution would be to add a library for CSV parsing such as open csv.


* @params - only needed if NOT executed from expression rule - primarily for debugging

* modelName - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the model

* serialNumber - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the serial number






* initialize our global variables

* json = the contents of our response

* infoString = a stringBuilder used to collect debug information during the script

* contentType = the content type we will return

* scriptname = The name of this Script, used in multiple places


def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()

def infoString = new StringBuilder()

def contentType = "application/json"

def scriptName = "CSVToLocOrg.groovy"

def root = ["result":["items":[]]]

def columns = []

try {

  Context CONTEXT = Context.getSDKContext()

  def modelIndex

  def serialIndex

  def locIndices = [:]

  def locKeys = ["line1","line2", "address1", "address2", "city","state","zip","country", "org"]

  // initialize Finders

  ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(CONTEXT)

  DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(CONTEXT)

  LocationFinder locationFinder = new LocationFinder(CONTEXT)

  OrganizationFinder organizationFinder = new OrganizationFinder(CONTEXT)

  // implicit object compressedFile

  File file = compressedFile.getFiles()[0].extractFile()

  /* //begin non-expression rule code, useful for debugging

    File file


              def model1 = modelFinder.find()



    def d = deviceFinder.find()

     UploadedFileFinder uff = new UploadedFileFinder(CONTEXT)

    uff.device = d

    def ufiles = uff.findAll()

    UploadedFile ufile

    if (ufiles.size() > 0) {

        ufile = ufiles[0]

        file = ufile.extractFile()



*/ //end non-expression rule code

  file.eachLine {line ->

      def row = line.tokenize(',')

      // set the column headings

      if (columns.size() == 0){

        columns = row

        // find model and serial index, assumes there's a column that has "model" and "serial", otherwise take columns 0 and 1

        def modelpatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}model[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)

        def serialpatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}serial[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)

        modelIndex = columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ modelpatt } > -1 ? columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ modelpatt } : 0

        serialIndex = columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ serialpatt } > -1 ? columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ serialpatt } : 1


        locKeys.each{ key ->

            // construct a regex for each key and create a map for finding/creating

            def locPatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z0-9_\-]{0,}${key}[A-Za-z0-9_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)

            def colIndex = columns.findIndexOf{

                    def match = it =~ locPatt

                    if (match){

                        return match?.getAt(0)




            if (colIndex > -1){

                locIndices[colIndex] = key




      // otherwise populate data

      else {


          def model = modelFinder.find()



          def device = deviceFinder.find()

          def assetInfo = [


                    "serial": device.serialNumber,




          def locMap = [:]

          def orgName

          def locKey

          def locBool = false // make sure we get some criteria

          row.eachWithIndex{ item, index ->


              if (index != modelIndex && index != serialIndex && item && item != ""){

                  locKey = locIndices[index]


                  if (locKey){

                      locBool = true

                      if (locKey == "address1"){

                        locKey = "line1"


                      if (locKey == "address2"){

                        locKey = "line2"


                      if (locKey == "org"){

                            orgName = item


                      // don't execute if we've got an organization key

                      else {

                          // for finding

                          locationFinder[locKey] = item

                          // for creating (if needed)

                          locMap[locKey] = item







          Organization org


          if (orgName){


              org = organizationFinder.find()


              if (!org){

                org = new Organization(CONTEXT, orgName)







          Location loc

          if (locBool){

    "with bool")

            loc = locationFinder.find()




          if (!loc){


              def line1 = locMap["line1"]


              def name = line1?.replace(" ","")?.replace(/\./,"")?.replace("_","") + "_Loc"


              def line2 = locMap["line2"]

              def city = locMap["city"]

              def state = locMap["state"]

              def zip = locMap["zip"]

              def country = locMap["country"]


              if (line1 && city){

               loc = new Location(CONTEXT,name,line1,line2,city,state,zip,country)






              if (loc && org){







          assetInfo.locs << [


                    "line1": loc.line1,

                    "line2": loc.line2,


                    "state": loc.state,





          = [




          root.result.items << assetInfo



} catch (Exception e) {



//return ['Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content': JSONObject.fromObject(root).toString(2)]


    Processes the contents of an Exception and add it to the Errors collection

    @param json The markup builder


private def processException(String scriptName, JsonBuilder json, Exception e) {

    // catch the exception output

    def logStringWriter = new StringWriter()

    e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(logStringWriter))

    logger.error("Exception occurred in ${scriptName}: ${logStringWriter.toString()}")


        Construct the error response

        - errorCode Will be an element from an agreed upon enum

        - errorMessage The text of the exception


    json.errors  {

        error {

            message     "[${scriptName}]: " + e.getMessage()

            timestamp   "${System.currentTimeMillis()}"



    return json


Version history
Last update:
‎Jun 01, 2016 11:02 AM
Updated by:
Labels (2)