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Installation Script for Thingworx platform on Redhat/CentOS/Ubuntu

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This script is provided as is and is not officially supported by PTC. Users are welcome to edit or change this script as desired.

This script automates the installation steps outlined in the ThingWorx Installation Guide.

If you are not familiar with these processes or are installing ThingWorx for the first time, it is recommended to refer to the guide for additional information.


  64-bit Linux: Ubuntu (all flavors) 14/15/16, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6/7, or CentOS 6/7

  Root privileges

  Internet connection

  A ThingWorx platform installation file for either H2 or PostgreSQL (available in the PTC downloads center )

  *NOTE: This script does not require a GUI and can be run in headless mode

  • Minimal download option: The script will look in the working directory for pre-downloaded Java, Tomcat, and (for RHEL and CentOS) PostgreSQL installation files. If the installer detects one of the supported files, the user will be given the option to install with that file and skip the automated download. This feature is limited to specific versions and requires one (or more) of the following files:
    •     jdk-8u92-linux-x64.tar.gz
    •     apache-tomcat-8.0.33.tar.gz
    •     pgdg-redhat94-9.4-3.noarch.rpm
      •     NOTE: This reduces the amount of data downloaded by the script, but does not eliminate it entirely. An active internet connection is still required.
  • Support for existing SSL certificates: If an existing SSL certificate exists and the user wishes to use it instead of automatically generating one with the script, the user can copy the '.keystore' file to the working directory before running the script. During the installation process the user will be prompted with the option to use this keystore file, and will need to provide the keystore password created with the certificate.
    •     NOTE: this script does not support keystore passwords containing the following characters: '!/@\"#$%^&*()_+]


  • *Note for Red Hat Enterprise Linux users*
    •     This script was designed to work on servers with an active Red Hat subscription. It has been tested and appears to work on unsubscribed servers if the following applications are installed:
    • gcc
    • make
    • epel repository (see This Red Hat Announcement for more information)
  • Download the file attached to this document

Steps to use this script:

1. Create a new folder on your Linux server. (This will be referred to as the 'working folder')

2. Download the ThingWorx platform installer file from the PTC Software downloads page. (For example,

3. Copy the installer file to the working folder. Do not unzip.

4. Copy the file to your working folder.

5. In the command prompt, cd to your working directory.

6. Make the file excutable:

  > chmod +x

7. Run the file either using sudo or logging in as root

  > sudo bash


  > su

  > bash

  *NOTE: The 'bash' command is mandatory, running the installer with the 'sh' command will not work


Any chance we could see a similar script for a Windows installation?

Windows installation script would be desired as well as automated Docker image creation script or docker image file.

Version history
Last update:
‎May 08, 2017 10:54 AM
Updated by:
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