Hello Navigate Community -
In case you haven't heard, Navigate 8.5 was released last Thursday, 9/26 and is now available for download! This release includes a lot of exciting functionality:
1. Improvements to View Apps -
- Updated ThingView 3D Viewing Component - which is now documented & supported for use in custom mashups;
- Support for distributed vaults;
- Display of security labels & values.
2. BETA release of the first Reusable Components for rapid application development
3. First Navigate Contribute App for review & approval of Windchill Change Requests
Want to learn more? Read on!
Introducing change can result in higher costs if not fully considered. That’s why collaboration is a necessity across people and processes from the initial state of product ideation through to manufacturing, device connectivity and field service. There is a need to not just access product and enterprise data easily, but to participate in strategic product lifecycle processes in order to avoid unintended consequences.
ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 introduces the first App in the Contribute Series. This App allows key stakeholders to be directly involved in the change process by enabling them to voice their opinions. The first of the Contribute apps for Change Management stitches all these voices together within the digital thread.
Inter-operable with Windchill 11.2 and Windchill 11.1 M020 CPS06, this change management app provides a list of open approval tasks and access to full details of the Change Request, along with attachments and affected items.
Configurable by role, this latest Navigate App enables a broad set of users inside and outside of engineering to fully participate in a digital change management workflow. Cross-functional users who review their task list, via “My Tasks”, are best able to complete changes online. These users can then assess change impacts at time of review, resulting in improved quality by eliminating the need to manually capture input and avoiding errors.
Role-based tailoring facilitates faster, clearer decision making and higher quality changes. Better participation in the change management process adds the value of faster time to market. This Contribute app is the first to be built from reusable components, thus lowering costs and improving efficiency.
The Thingworx Navigate Contribute app for Change Management enables the wider spread of input to realize the best possible design since products are no longer designed in a silo.
If you have any questions about Navigate or want to connect with an account rep, reach out to me at elarkin@ptc.com.