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ThingWorx Navigate is now Windchill Navigate Learn More

Removing access to Squeal with Tomcat Security Constraints

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The Squeal functionality has been discontinued with ThingWorx 8.1, see ThingWorx 8.1.0 Release Notes


There might be scenarios where it should be disabled in earlier versions as well. This can be achieved e.g. with Tomcat Security Constraints. To add such a constraint, open <Tomcat>\webapps\Thingworx\WEB-INF\web.xml

At the end of the file add a new constraint just before closing the </web-app> tag:



Save the file and restart Tomcat.

Accessing the /Thingworx/Squeal resource now will result in an error message:


HTTP Status 403 - Access to the requested resource has been denied


One scenario to be aware of is when the web.xml changes, e.g. due to updating ThingWorx or other manual changes. In such a case, ensure that the filter is still present in the file and taken into account.

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 21, 2018 04:44 AM
Updated by:
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