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Smoothing Large Data Sets
In this post, learn how to smooth large data sources down into what can be rendered and processed more easily on Mashups. Note that the Time Series Chart widget is limited to load 8,000 points (hard-coded). This is because rendering more points than this is almost never necessary or beneficial, given that the human eye can only discern so many points and the average monitor can only render so many pixels. Reducing large data sources through smoothing is a recommended best practice for ThingWorx, and for data analysis in general.
To show how this is done, there are sample entities provided which can be downloaded and imported into ThingWorx. These demonstrate the capacity of ThingWorx to reduce tens of thousands of data points based on a "smooth factor" live on Mashups, without much added load time required. The tutorial below steps through setting these entities up, including the code used to generate the dummy data.
// This is just for passing the property name into the query
var infotable = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTable({infotableName: "NamedProperties"}); infotable.AddField({name: "name", baseType: "STRING"}); infotable.AddRow({name: "TestProperty"}); var queryResults = me.QueryNamedPropertyHistory({ maxItems: 9999999, endDate: to, propertyNames: infotable, startDate: from });
// This will be filled in below, based on the smoothing calculation var result = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTable({infotableName: "SmoothedQueryResults"}); result.AddField({name: "TestProperty", baseType: "NUMBER"}); result.AddField({name: "timestamp", baseType: "DATETIME"});
// If there is no smooth factor, then just return everything if(SmoothFactor === 0 || SmoothFactor === undefined || SmoothFactor === "") result = queryResults; else {
// Increment by smooth factor for(var i = 0; i < queryResults.rows.length; i += SmoothFactor) { var sum = 0; var count = 0;
// Increment by one to average all points in this interval for(var j = i; j < (i+SmoothFactor); j++) { if(j < queryResults.rows.length) if(j === i) { // First time set sum equal to first property value sum = queryResults.getRow(j).TestProperty; count++; } else { // All other times, add property values to first value sum += queryResults.getRow(j).TestProperty; count++; } } var average = sum / count; // Use count because the last interval may not equal smooth factor result.AddRow({TestProperty: average, timestamp: queryResults.getRow(i).timestamp}); } }
var now = new Date(); if(now.getMilliseconds() % 3 === 0) // Randomly reset the number to simulate outliers Things["TestChartCapacityThing"].TestProperty = Math.random()*100; else if(Things["TestChartCapacityThing"].TestProperty > 100) Things["TestChartCapacityThing"].TestProperty -= Math.random()*10; else Things["TestChartCapacityThing"].TestProperty += Math.random()*10;
Is there any improvements made in terms of rendering more data points on the charts in the latest version of Thingworx i.e. 9.x, Although I agree with the fact of smoothing the data points.
Yes, see this post:
But note, that even with the charts being now able to support more points, and downsampling, you would still transfer those points over the network to the client. Therefore it still makes sense to reduce the number of points before they are sent out.