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Licensing summary, installing 8.1:
- Now instance specific license used which prevents license sharing and protects our intellectual property further
- 2 paths for getting up and running with a license:
-Connected: platform-settings configuration only
-Disconnected: text file generated, self-serve creation from PTC support portal, license_capability_response.bin generated to be placed in platform folder
Connected / Disconnected mode
User Journey
Refer to Licensing ThingWorx 8.1 and Later for specific instructions for generating a license for your instance
NOTE: Each instance needs a valid license file to be running.
- If any misconfiguration or connection failures occur, error messages will be thrown to Application log
Example: unable to fetch license file with device id; Unable to connect to the PTC license server. Please make sure the LicensingConnectionSettings settings...
- Connection attempt will occur upon ThingWorx startup. If connection can't be made, instance will be following disconnected scenario
-Make sure Pop Up Blockers are turned off
Platform Settings - Licensing
License Connection Settings (in platform-settings.json - plain text sample)
-new section for licensing connection strings:
-user name - used to connect to ptc support portal
-password - encrypted (recommended) or plain text password used to connect to ptc support portal
"LicensingConnectionSettings": { "username":"<PTC_support_portal_username>", "password":"<PTC_support_portal_password>"
New Services on Licensing Subsystem
- GetInstanceID - returns instance/device ID which is created at startup
- WriteLicenseUsageData - writes encrypted license usage (same as system data table) to ThingworxStorage\reports\LicenseUsageReport folder
Instance ID
Q: What happens when license files are bad or missing?
A: If there is an invalid license file, with 8.0 valid license.bin needs to be in the folder before starting up; tomcat will crash. In 8.1 no need for license file as long as connected (platform-settings.json), no need to take an extra step, dynamic connection. In disconnected scenario, ThingWorx will run for 30 days in limited mode with monitoring mashup accessible to check logs.
Q: Where is the InstanceID stored ?
A: It's stored in the database
Q: Will the instanceID change during updates (minor 8.1.0 to 8.1.1)
A: Device id's don't change.
Q: What will happen in disconnected scenario if there is no valid license after 30 days? The application will not start anymore or user is not able to login?
A: It shuts down, so there is no more "limited" mode. However, a user can come along on day 55 (for example) and can drop in a valid license and start the web app to get it fully running.
Q: What happens if the customer has to reinstall the platform after the license has been fetched ? Is it possible to "return" the license ?
A: Reinstalling the platform results in the generation of a new Device ID, therefore a new license file will need to be generated.