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read and write inside the address #10095 via the Fanuc


read and write inside the address #10095 via the Fanuc

Hello @AB_10607533,


we have the same issue you marked as resolved in this thread, we want to read and write inside the address #10095 via the Fanuc Focas Ethernet protocol using the "Open" model. How did you managed to solve the problem? The documentation linked in the answer (link) clearly states that the "#" variables range is limited to #9999:



Thank you,



Our Fanuc Focas driver cannot read macros from #10,000 because it uses the cnc_rdmacro function which cannot go higher than #9999. To go higher,  the recommended approach would be to open an enhancement request: . This request would reach our Product Management team who will analyze it and decide if it can be implemented or not depending on the current priorities.
In the meantime a workaround you could use to add a logic in the machine and copy the a custom macro value over 10,000 into a macro under this range so it can be read into Kepware.

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