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How to Configure Mathcad Prime with Floating License

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This video gives a quick demo on how to configure Mathcad Prime with floating license server.


Is there a video showing how to update the license on the server?


Just got my renewal license and I always struggle with how to navigate the server to remove the old one and install the new one.

"How to update FlexNet Admin License Server (lmadmin) with a new license file":

I was able to setup our floating license server. It pulled a license just fine on my computer (laptop).


We also use Workspot (VM). That's why we wen the floating license route... I was able to pull a license on one machine just fine, but not another. Any thought on why that would be? I even uninstalled/reinstalled on the machine not working.







Version history
Last update:
‎Oct 18, 2016 11:16 AM
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