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This is a sample worksheet created by Tom Marshall who we had interviewed for our "Meet the Mathcad Users" series of articles on the Mathcad Blog.
We asked him:
Can you share a sample worksheet with us?
"I am tempted to provide a fancy complex worksheet that would be impressive looking and show off lots of features. But instead, I'm going to give you a simple worksheet that illustrates why I am such a faithful user of Mathcad. This is an example of how I use Mathcad in my daily work. I made this little worksheet recently while on the phone with a client. The goal was to determine if they should increase the number of render engines (software tools to construct digital images in preparation for printing) to keep up with a new printer they were adding to the workflow.
Instead of creating a lengthy analysis project, I simply opened Mathcad while I had the client on the phone, asked a few questions and was able to build a simple worksheet that provided enough information for my client to make a decision. This wasn't the type of problem that required an exhaustive study, or even a particularly accurate answer. I just needed a quick estimate and I could do that easily with Mathcad because it works like I think – visually."
>> Read the full article on the Mathcad Blog
The worksheet is saved in Mathcad 14.0 format.