I would like to calculate the performance of a line based on the related children. For example, the performance of the line should be the average of all related assets.
I realize that I could add the tags of each asset. But my assets are often related to different lines and I do not want to adjust the calculation every time, just the relationship.
In the status it works with "ARE_ALL_CHILDREN_RUNNING: ..".
Is there a similiar way to calculate the performance based on the related children?
Thanks for help.
Is there an overview of all possible expressions "HAS_ALERTS, ARE_ALL_CHILDREN_RUNNING, and so on ..." for the configuration in Manufacturing Apps?
Hi Daniel,
We can add related children count for a particular line like this :
"PTC.MfgSegment.Kepware_Simulator:LineGroup1.1-1_SinkingEDM.Good Quantity"+ "PTC.MfgSegment.Kepware_Simulator:LineGroup1.1-1_SinkingEDM.Bad Quantity" + "PTC.MfgSegment.Kepware_Simulator:LineGroup1.1-1_WireEDM.Good Quantity" + "PTC.MfgSegment.Kepware_Simulator:LineGroup1.1-1_WireEDM.Bad Quantity"
In this i have added the line 1 children's good quantity and bad quantity which will help me in calculating the performance of the line.
Thank you for your reply.
I know that I could add the tags individually.
My problem is that next week the asset WireEDM is pushed into line 2 and another asset is placed in line 1. And so on. Then I do not always want to adjust the calculation.
Is it not possible for the related children (from the table) to be recognized automatically?
Many Thanks.