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I will be presenting Creo Sheet metal tools in a one hour slot at the Twin Cities Creo user Conf on Friday May 13th 2016 at the PTC office in Blane MN Just north of Minneapolis. My topic is 'Creo Sheet Metal' 60 min 'Beginning to Advanced'' I will show as much as I can with our sheet metal class in one hour as possible. Hope to meet see some familiar faces and meet some new people.
PTC Minneapolis office 3785 Pheasant Ridge Dr NE, Blaine, MN 55449
Ill consider recording the presentation since I talk so fast to get so much information into one hour and post on the Design-engine youtube portal. < Design-engine Youtube page. Almost to 200k video views as we have over 1000 subscribers EAC has a link to the conf website here.
If you've never been to a local user group conference you should try to attend one in the near future. Its a great way to meet new people and win some prizes not to mention the organizers often offer a catered lunch. The largest local conference I ever went to was this one. At the Twin Cities Pro/ENGINEER user conference in 1998 There were over 500 users in the auditorium I recall showing Pro/E surfacing tools back then and someone in the audience asked, "What software are you using" .... as if it was not a Pro/E user conference.
Who likes to spell sheet metal all with one word since that is how PTC did it with the Pro/SHEETMETAL branding of the 1990's ????
Bart Brejcha