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Only 250 Characters allowed on the surveyfor the question "What is the most Challenging aspect of using PTC TechSupport"? SoI am heard,I am posting my first non-culled response before being told a character limit existed.
The India call center solution you guys implemented 20 years
ago is about the same now as it was then, marginal at best. Academic training
on the software is only one aspect of support. The intelligence of all the
Masters of Engineering Techs has never been in question. In fact, you guys shot
yourselves in the foot and head when you believed without an Advanced
Engineering degree, the support would be insufficient. You were wrong then and
from my recent tech support call, it sounds the same holds true? I do not know
if you still require the Academically Brilliant need only apply but if that is
true...big mistake. The fact they posses very little actual real world
engineering experience results in Tech's reading scripted answers. The other
issue is the language and accents are challenging at best and excruciating at
worst. I understand your call center handles the world. A solution might be to
create dialect coaches in India for regional/national dialects that will help
them communicate. Remember, you guys chose to send Tech support to India to
save money. It showed then and still shows today. It's your job to make sure it
worth a damn because we pay for it.
And my aswer to the survey question "What is the best aspect of using PTC Tech Support"?
The fact I have been able to get by without it for so many
years. Sorry guys, Tech Support has always been substandard. That is why PTC/User
was so vital. Let's hope PTC/Communities is not jacked up or censored going
David and Bill,
If "India bashing" is all you heard from my post, you may want re-read it? I answered the specific question "What is the most challenging difficulty with PTC's Tech Support?" For me, and many I am sure we will hear today, difficult communication and lack of practical expertise have always been the painful aspects of 1-800-4-PRO-HEL. I stated that. Again if "India bashing" was all I wanted to do....I could call my in-laws who are Indian and ask them my questions. But I don't NEED them, orPAY them,to help me with an issue of a technical natureon PTC software.PTC greedsent my Tech Support needs to India (Mexico, Ireland or Bangladesh). The "Country" is irrelevant.It just happens to be India in this case. As Nathan stated, Apple get's it. They train theirpeople PROPERLY, with customers from all over the worldAS A PRIORITYand as a resultthesupport is good. Is it perfect, probably not. But it's a whole lot better than PTC's support track record.
A couple things. You are correct not everyone has the DEEEEEEP pockets for Platinum Support and High Tea on the verandawith Heppelman, nor will they ever. This is one of the infuriating things PTC did in the early 90's that solidified their arrogance and lack of consideration for users. Essentially saying, "The more you pay, the more we like you". It sounds like from your eperience David, that arrogance still remains at PTC. Do you remember when PTC broke us up into large and small accounts, with regard to "support"? The writing on the PTC bathroom wall was, if you don't spend enough, you don'tmatter to us, let them eat VAR cake! They sent us to inept and unqualified VAR's for support which was a whole other cluster bleep in itself. I am envious that you get to ENJOY stellar support David and Bill. The fact is most of us do not.
So, "India Bashing" wasnever the issue, maybe "PTC Bashing" is more appropriate. They certainly didn't send any maintenence dollarsback to me when I could not get anwers I needed in a timely manner.Did they refund you guys? I stopped using Tech Support and relied on my PTC/User bretheren for real, timely and appropriate help from guys like you, David. You have given some great insight and "Tech Support" over the years. I, and many, appreciate your communication abilityand practical expertiseon PTC software issues. The two factors, I stated PTCTech's lacked,are whatmade it great valuable support.