When setting fields I generally use the db.setFieldValue(Field Name, Value). However, this only allows you to change the item that sparked the trigger as far as I know. I am looking for a method that would work like this:
var appID = db.getID();
db.setFieldValue(appID, Field Name, Value);
Where appID could potentially be any Issue Id, not just the issue the set off the trigger.
You use the method "getIssueBean" of "imServerBean" to get a specific item bean.
Look for sample scripts that use it, the simplest one being hello.js.
I know how to get values from the field using both
var docData = sb.getIssueBean(docID, ["Approvals"]);
var docData = sb.getIssueBean(docID);
However I want to be able to SET fields for issues. Do you know which method could be used to set fields using issue ID, field name, and new field value?
You're right, I read the question too quickly, sorry.
Use "getIssueDeltaBean" instead. You can see an example in emailAdvanced.
As llawton said,
var issueDeltaBean = sb.getIssueDeltaBean(IssueId);
issueDeltaBean.setFieldValue("FieldName", FieldValue);