I need an mks cmd command to do the followings:
Step 1: check out a member and put an exclusive lock on it
Step 2: if other person has locked the file from step 1 the command should tell me that he cannot made an exclusive lock because the User x has the excluseive lock
I tried the following command but it works only for step 1
si co --user=yyyyy --password=xxxxxx--hostname=mks2.dc.hella.com --port=7001 --cpid=:none -S _SANDBOX_PATH_\project.pj c:\_FILEPATH__\ONLY_FOR_TEST__3.xls --nodowngradeOnLockConflict -no
I need to improove the above command in order to skip the following question :
Do you want an exlusive lock?
that I am encountering in this moment.
Best Regards,
you could check in your script if the file is locked by someone else before locking
using for example the command
si memberinfo --lockRecordFormat={locker} $file
Parse its output to extract the locker and compare with getenv('username').