Does someone know why "Report/Usage" command is disabled when right-clickin on an element in a diagram.
We use PTC WM 9.6. It seems to me that in 8.x, it was allowed. Help mentions only that "Report Usage" for a diagram (itself) does not work but I don't see why it should not work on an element displayed on a diagram.
We have to find the element on the browser and then perform the "Report / Usage".. which is a bit annoying.
Thank you in advance for your support
Can you give a concrete example? - which diagram and element type are you using?
I'm using Modeler 10 and I can see the command - see below - and it works as expected by outputting the information to the Results pane.
Thank you Patrick
We have done the tests in WM 9.6 for BDD and IBD (SysML).
Re-creating the issue to answer to you, I figure out that it seems that to do "Rport Usage", you need to have write access to the diagram.
If I "un-protect the diagram" (with key in the ribbon), don't have a Change Note active, the Report/Usage is disabled.
As soon as I have write access, the option is availabel.
According to me, this is a bug (at least of WM 9.6) as "Report Usage" should not modify anything in the model.