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Apply Regular Expression on Infotable row


Apply Regular Expression on Infotable row


I am facing some issue working with data in Infotable as below:

1. I have a service that query data from a MYSQL server using SELECT DateTime statement (only return the DateTime column data).

2. The result is returned properly with one of the column representing DateTime with format MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm

3.  Now I want to populate through every single row of data, and use regular expression to retrieve the DD info from every row.

Problem faced:

It seems that the getrow(rowindex) is returning format like this: {DateTime=com.thingworx.types.primitives.StringPrimitive@16b2f63}.

I am not sure how to parse this type of data from Infotable using the regular expression. How do I convert the StringPrimitive type to normal String type in order for me to parse the data in Infotable accordingly?

Please kindly advise. Thanks in advance.


I think you want to do something like this where rawdata is your infotable name

var rawdata = Things["DatabaseName"].GetDateTimeData

for each (var row in rawdata.rows) {
 var DateTimeValue = row.DateTime;
 var Day = dateFormat(DateTimeValue, "dd");


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