When I run the "$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2012" .. in the ubuntu terminal, I got an error of "CMake Error: Could no create named generator Visual Stuido".
Can you tell me how to solve this error?
If the error is due to not being installed Visual Studio 15 2012 in ubuntu, how to install the visual studio 15 2012 in ubuntu?
Thank you.
Hi @AM_9977001.
Take a look at this site to see if you can find the answers you need regarding installation of Visual Studio in Ubuntu.
Why are you running such an old version? This could be introducing the problems you're having.
If you're unable to resolve the issue, let us know what you've tried and we'll try to assist further.
Hi @AM_9977001.
If you feel the previous response answered your question, please mark it as the Accepted solution for the benefit of others with the same question. If you have further questions, please let us know.