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I met the “illegal instruction"error when I run the luaSciptResouce in WebSocket EMS + modbus package.
It happens on Linux ARM (not HFPU.), but does not happen on Windows10 with the same configuration.
It happens in Modbus/TCP, but does not happen in Modbus/RTU.
Did anyone see this error ? If so, could you tell me how did you solved?
I searched the google and some Linux article is saying it could happen by when it was built for different CPU/OS type, or divided by zero.
Off course I installed the correct version of distribution depend on the OS and CPU type.
<distribution used>
-Web Socket EMS: for windows for Linux ARM without hardware FPU.
- (extracted from the starter kit of
This is the original one which my edge device was certified as ThingWorx Ready.
-Modbus package
TWEMS MODBUS for windows
<config.lua >
This error happens when I specify the Modbus/TCP as follows.
scripts.modbus_handler = {
file = "modbus_handler.lua",
name = "modbus_handler",
host = "", <---This specify TCP
This error does not happen when I specify the Modbus/RTU as follows.
scripts.modbus_handler = {
file = "modbus_handler.lua",
name = "modbus_handler",
serial_port = "ttyUSB0", <-- This specify RTU
baud_rate = "9600",
read_timeout = "1000"
<Exact error message>
(initial part of log are abbreviated)
Persisted Props:
file = thingworx.lua
max_run_time = 20
config_file_path = /opt/microserver/etc
log_level = DEBUG
rap_host =
rap_port = 8000
script_clib_path = ***************** (abbreviate)
script_directory = ***************** (abbreviate)
script_library_path = ***************** (abbreviate)
script_resource_host =
script_resource_port = 8002
[DEBUG] 2016-02-01 20:32:10,688 luaScriptProxy::runScript: Starting Script
[DEBUG] 2016-02-01 20:32:10,689 luaScriptProxy::getStatus: Script Thingworx status = Ready
[FORCE] 2016-02-01 20:32:10,699 httpServer: starting http server port=8002
[DEBUG] 2016-02-01 20:32:10,700 httpServer: http server bound to port=8002.
[DEBUG] 2016-02-01 20:32:10,701 luaScriptProxy::execute: Script Thingworx now executing
Illegal instruction <---This error!
Thank you,
HI .
I could solved this error. Here I report how I solved this .
The solution is as follows.
I replaced the file (1) by (2) , then the error was not happen , and Modbus/TCP seems working fine as of now.
(1)microserver/etc/thingworx/community/clibs/socket/ (this came from ThingWorx )
(2)/usr/lib/lua/5.1/socket/ (this is part of original firmware of my M2M device ( NetComm Wirelss NTC6200) .)
I hope this helps someone who meet similar issue in future.
Thank you