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I have 10 field definitions in a DataTable. If I added rows of 2 field definitions, remaining 8 field definitions should be filled with the default values stored in the datashape of the datatable. How is this possible?
You mean 10 field definitions in a DataShape? Default values of the field definitions remain unchanged when you add new filed definitions.
Yes. I can see the default values in datatable also. if the datatables rows added with new values, new values displaying in the datatable. Then once we removed those added values, the datatable rows should be filled with default values. But it is blank. Why ? If any filled columns datas removed in future, the cells should have default values instead of blank cells. What to do for that ?
What is the base type of the fields you are updating? I can see on my local instance that for numeric base type fields the default values are displayed after updating but for fields with string type the default values are not getting displayed.
Yes, the base type is String only. What is the solution for that.
1. After updating, the default values of adding new rows also are not displaying.
The requirement is if any of the column of DT not filled or the values removed in DT means, it should display the default values from datashape to the grid. But it is not working as expected..
This looks like a bug so, I will open a support ticket for this and report it to R&D. Once I get a response from them, I will post it here.
Okay thanks
Which version of Thingworx are you using? I could only replicate this issue in 8.5, in 9.x the issue seems to be fixed. Leaving the string type field blank gets updated with the default value.
My thingworx version is 8.4.4-b2319. We planned to deploy the project in cloud before updating to thingworx 9.0. What other bugs i can expect in thingworx 8.4.4. I want to know more about this to provide a good user experience to client.
Hi @AP_9587236
Unfortunately, we no longer provide support for ThingWorx 8.4.x and are unable to provide a list of bugs affecting that version. ThingWorx 8.5.x is the oldest version currently supported, but support will be dropping on that version in September.