I want to know if RestEasy framework for developing Windchill Restful Web services is still supported. This is still available in Windchill 11.0 version. What is the road map and recommendation of developing Restful web services. I recall WRS oDATA is supported way going forward however I think PTC is still supporting RestEasy framework.
Another thing Windchill infoengine tasks can be executed by wrapper server in Thingsworx ExecuteTask service.
This method is deprecated in the future Windchill releases.
What is the recommendation around this?
Hi Preeti,
I'm not sure how long RestEasy will be supported but for I*E tasks there is a good path forward with the /IE domain in the OData services. Check out the following article: https://www.ptc.com/en/support/article?n=CS298642&language=en&posno=1&q=Infoengine%20task%20OData with an example.
Hi Preeti,
The recommendation is to use OData framework which comes with Windchill REST Services for developing RESTful web services. https://www.ptc.com/en/support/refdoc/Windchill_REST_Services/1.5/wrs_ug_1_5
ptc-windchill-demo-thing connector which was used to call Info*Engine is deprecated starting Navigate 1.8 and will be removed in upcoming releases. We would recommend you to use ODataConnector to call Info*Engine from ThingWorx. The steps are documented in ThingWorx Navigate Customization Guide.
Tushar Bhosale