Hi all
I am trying out Example1DesignFilesAccessAppConfigThing in TWX Navigate 8.5.3. I was in Composer at
https://domain.com/Thingworx/Composer/index.html#/modeler/details/Mashup~DesignFilesAccessAppMashup/attributes , and clicked 'View Mashup'. It is trying to load https://domain.com/Thingworx/Runtime/jquery.qtip.min.map . In Chrome Inspect Sources tab, it is clear that there is no jquery.qtip under /Thingworx/Runtime . Can I fix this by loading an extension?
To see this mashup rendered right, is it correct to use the URL https://domain.com/Thingworx/Runtime/index.html?mashup=CommonSearchAccessAppMashup&configEntity=Example1DesignFilesAccessAppConfigThing&appMashupname=DesignFilesAccessAppMashup#master=PTC.AccessApp.Master&mashup=CommonSearchAccessAppMashup&configEntity=Example1DesignFilesAccessAppConfigThing&appMashupname=DesignFilesAccessAppMashup
After looking closer at this, it seems that this error is minor and though it occurs in many pages it does not cause a problem (though maybe tooltips are broken?). Let's ignore the error for now.
Hi @rleir.
If you try structuring the url this way, do you get different results?
Note that if you have any parameters that need to be passed to the mashup, you can add those at the end of the url as in this example:
Hi Sharon
I tried your URL, and Thingworx does a redirection.
Is this how you meant me to use /Mashups/ ?
magically redirects to
The /Mashups/ part of the URL gets replaced with /Runtime/index.html automatically during the redirection, with all the parameters preserved at the end of the url.
Thanks for showing me the /Mashups/ form of URL. -- Rick