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Learn About Ranks


Learn About Ranks

Good day everyone,

As communicated in this post we have updated the rank names to numerical levels ranging from 1 to 20.  Your rank is an indication of your involvement within PTC Community and you will rise through the rank ladder by visiting, participating, and interacting with fellow community members. 


Ways to rank up:

  • Posting questions
  • Responding to questions
  • Giving and receiving Kudos
  • Creating and uploading content 


The goal of ranks is to reward you for your valuable visits and participation.



23-Emerald IV

Wow, that's a lot of ranks!  I'm assuming there is some correlation between a person's posts, kudos, solutions and their rank.  Can this be added to the above chart?


For example,

50 posts + 20 kudos + 15 solutions = 85 'points' = Pathfinder

23-Emerald II

We're a pretty RANK group so...Smiley Tongue

It's still pointless.Man Tongue

Thank you for the vote of confidence @StephenW - @TomU you are in the ballpark, but I cannot give out the entire secret sauce Smiley Happy

25-Diamond I


Those new "ranks" are even more ridiculous than the points we had.

What do they think we are? A bunch of kindergarden childs?

This is squalid and degrading in my opinion!

yeah - calling someone a spectator seems a bit unmotivating

25-Diamond I

< yeah - calling someone a spectator seems a bit unmotivating

Calling someone a Monarch or Overlord or any of the others isn't better.

I really don't like being treated like a small child.

This ranking is just offending!

@Werner_E @thartwell

I am sorry and apologize to you both - treating members with respect is of utmost importance to me and I would not purposly talk down to others nor would I allow personal attacks.   It is the membership and your contributions that make the community function.  I am happy to discuss in person if you like.



25-Diamond I

I really feel that ranking is unnecessary and that those "funny" rank names are rather an insult than anythng else for a serious adult user.

So, if you really find it soo necessary to have a ranking, then just stick with the points/likes/kudos alone and leave away those rank names.


Besides the rank names which are really ridiculous for a serious community, I like(d) the idea of ranking in principle.

You can see someones experience in the community in some way on one view.

But - when having points, this was easy. When having names, you always need a reference table - or could you easily tell if a promoter or a navigator has more community "experience"?

And - where are the points from the former community? I don't think the actual rank name reflects the former rank points.


My rank has been changing daily since the switch over to Lithium. I can only assume that this will continue as the thousands and thousands of posts from the old system are migrated over to the new one. More content attached to you will affect the calculations of rank, etc. Should settle out eventually.

Presumably, once things are stable, we will be able to specify our names in the same fashion we always have? The name that is currently being displayed for me is not the previous "Ken Farley" but a mashup of my full name, which is kind of weird.

21-Topaz II

...They look like scout stuff....

Instead of rank name it would be better to display number of Posts & Kudos & Solutions.



Martin Hanák

Hmm. - Bit confusing all the ranks. Does not add any value to have them.


Why dont you just have a point system (based on votes?) and then place them over a normal distribution curve.


Then rank them  from -3 standart deviations to + 3 Standard deviations.  and  then  give "badges" to +2SD onwards.






As per my oninion, rather then giving Rank previous Point System was much much better and very easy to identify user based on her/his points and even more user friendly....




25-Diamond I



> Instead of rank name it would be better to display number of Posts & Kudos & Solutions.

Can't quote a comment 😞


I would consider this much too much unneccessary information. The design is horrible anyway as is now with too large fonts, a lot of white space, using not the full space (horizontally) available, etc. So any additional information does more hram than it would help. The information you demand can be seen in your profile anyway if someone would really be interested in.

But does it help in any way? Is the answer of someone who posted already quite alot and is a long term member really more valuable and reliable? Do we need that discrimination? And concerning the "likes" or "kudos" - I guess these are given mainly by persons with some affinity to social networks which are used to quickly press a thumbs-up button and run away. Normal people would rather take the time to write a comment and say "Thank you" or "Well done" if they really want to show and communicate that they appreciated a speicific post. So whats left are the number of solutions but as we know from the past some members tend to continually mark an answer of their own as "solution" so thats not a reliable variable as well.

Lets the quality of the posts speak for themselves, independent from whom the post is from.


I already stated that I could happily do without any ranking as I see no reason or benefit here other than being able to say "hey look, we have a cool ranking, too, like all the others!".


But if we really are in such an urgent need for a ranking, please use something, which is not offending (degrading adult users to teenies by using "funny" names) and which is easily comparable without having to look at a translation list to see who is "higher". Use points, number of stars, badges, ... whatever makes the childs happy.




I don't find the names offensive, but I do find them arbitrary. It looks like someone created more than one ranking list, each with no connection to the other(s), and then merged them. Why should a "Colonist" be higher than a "Heavy hitter"? Or the other way round? And where should a "Promoter" logically fall relative to either of them? There is no answer to that, because there is no conceivable logic behind the list.


I don't know if it's possible, but the names must be assigned based on some calculated number, so it would be better to just display the number.

25-Diamond I

> I don't find the names offensive

It is not the names in themselves, but the process of naming us with such "funny" names as a reward for the good participation in the forum.
I find that childish and am already a little too old to like to be treated as a child.

Maybe this changes as I get even older, but then, I guess, I won't be able to be around here anymore.


From what I see here there seems to be a wide consens to keep a ranking but replace the names by numbers.


I agree that these ranks are ridiculous, but I would like to add demeaning as well.

If this were a game forum or something like that, then I could see how someone might find that being called a "Mover & Shaker" would be apt; but not here.
There are so many more intuitive ranks than using terms like: "Colonist", "Pioneer", and "Crusader". 


So how about bronze, silver, gold, diamond, with each having a 1-10 rank; level 3 silver, level 9 gold, I don't know, just not “Colonist” and the like.


But hey that's just the opinion of this "Pathfinder". 



EDIT: Yes I realize that I have Mega Man as my icon. 


I hope this interface is going through Testing Phase but as per my opinion if we''ll get our previous community as it is i'll be more happy. But it's just my personal opinion what about others ?





Hummm, I just came to the new site today to post a question, and couldn't find the group I used to use all the time. (I know where that stuff is now). I have to agree with a lot that Martin Hanak had to say above. But personally, I never paid attention to the ranking in the old system. Not even sure where it was. What I paid attention to where the user names. You get to know who the heck knows what there talking about and who doesn't. Honestly, since we transitioned from the mail exploder to a community, I finally ended up only looking at and responding to the System Administration group, because there were a lot less post there and the level of the post were generally high quality.

I came here to get info on the ranking and stuck around to read through the comments.  This type of ranking and points for participation is called "gamification" and it is how all these vendor sponsored customer-only communities work everywhere now. IOW, it's their playground and they get to setup the equipment.

As long as we can still ask questions, get and give information on the products, upload materials, interact with the PTC folks directly, help each other out of jams and workaround issues, that's fine with me.  That is the end game for all of us, correct?

I like the fact that the profile now reveals even less about the member than did before.  I didn't care, but it made some of the management in my firm nervous, even though I locked down my profile as much as possible in the old forum.


My participation pre-dates whatever the "mail exploder" is/was.  In my previous professional life, a "mail exploder" would be a very bad thing : )

Thank you for your comments @Invisigoth

23-Emerald II

I had to look up "gamification". I guess to software programmers, we are all gamers, it doesn't matter if it's Warcraft or Creo or Windchill or Pacman, it's all still a game.


If you've only participated in the forum style online community (PTC Community or it's predecessor Planet PTC) you are NOT pre-dating the "Email Exploder" that established in the early 90's. Most of the exploder content was lost in a software transition around about 2004. If you search the community, you still find stuff that was migrated to the community from the exploder.



23-Emerald IV

... you are in the ballpark, but I cannot give out the entire secret sauce. 

@Tmetcalf, I just stumbled across this post. It explains exactly how points were calculated back on Jive.



I think it would be good to have something like this for Lithium.  It wasn't a secret before...  Smiley Wink



Hi Guys,

I can't help, I feel reminded to Doctor Who.

I that case please call me a Dalek  ...


Smiley LOL


But actually as Voyager I seem to be from Star Trek.  scnr


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